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Whole-Brained Thinking for Fun & Profit
Introduction (1:22)
Why Whole-Brained Thinking? (3:07)
Think DIfferent (2:13)
Agenda (0:59)
Your Operating System
Introduction to paradigms (2:23)
Three revolutions (2:43)
The problem with paradigms (1:42)
Welcome to the machine (1:16)
The quantum revolution (4:28)
The complexity revolution (2:38)
Clash of the paradigms (2:05)
Paradigms at work (3:37)
The brain (1:55)
The brain (hardware) (3:30)
The brain (software) (4:45)
A whole new mind (1:55)
Layers of consciousness (1:04)
Beyond the brain (1:47)
The unconscious (5:31)
Beyond the brain 2 (1:25)
The superconscious (3:09)
Transformation and Freedom
Flow (1:07)
What is transformation? (1:20)
Transformation (3:26)
Quantum leaps and freedom (1:42)
Conclusion to Part 1 (0:49)
Doin' it old skool (3:50)
Arrows and circles (3:13)
A new twist (3:23)
DIY project management (3:45)
User-centered design (2:52)
Thinking and learning (2:13)
Four learning styles (4:13)
What's the opposite of intelligence? (0:57)
What's your personal learning style?
Transformational Thinking
Putting thinking to work (0:39)
A path to transformation (4:20)
Recipe for whole-brained thinking (1:42)
Strategic Thinking
What is strategy? (2:26)
Dialogue and wholeness (2:14)
Whole-scale dialogue (3:19)
Point A and B revisited (2:45)
Tactical Thinking
Doing whole-brained thinking (3:54)
Empathize (3:39)
Synthesize (2:24)
Idealize (2:44)
Realize (2:09)
Bringing it all together (2:32)
A whole new world (1:04)
Arrows and circles
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